Don’t Cry Because It’s Over. Smile Because It Happened

It’s Teacher Appreciation Day and I have just resigned after 20 years in public education. 

It has been one of the great joys in my life to work with so many wonderful students through the years. There’s truly something wonderful and magical to see a student grow, change and blossom. I don’t think I could forget them if I tried. They will always be my students. 

I always wanted to be a teacher. There was nothing as scary as the first day of teaching and that door closes behind you with a room full of kids. I got my first job teaching Kindergarten. I thought I would do that the rest of my life. But then, technology came into my classroom that year and since then opened many other doors for me. 

I don’t want this to be an indictment of public education or another “Why I Quit” essay. Things are tough, but I would never discourage someone from becoming a teacher. Teaching is a tough way to make a living, but a great way to make a life. 

Have you ever wondered why they call graduation commencement? Commencement means beginning. For me, this is like graduation day. For the past few years I’ve had the pleasure and joy of working with teachers to improve teaching practices. I’m now going to venture forward and find new ways to support teachers, support students and improve education. It’s time for me to close this door and forge a new path. I leave with a smile.